
Showing posts from May, 2022


  What is Dilemma? Dilemma is where a person has a difficult choice to make between two or more alternatives, especially ones that are equally undesirable. Ethical Dilemma This is where a person is facing dilemma of choosing between going against their code of ethics or societal norms, such as codes of law and religious teachings, or with their internal moral beliefs of what is right and wrong. In Education Teachers have to face ethical dilemma in regards their students and them as educators. One example is where the teacher have to make decision that goes against their personal values to fulfill their role as moral agent or moral educators to their students. This is especially the case in a diverse classroom where the teacher has to put aside any bias beliefs or stereotypes so they can display an appropriate behaviour for the students to model after. Secondly, there is a choice the teacher has to make between following the standards of good practices that benefits the system or the
  While there are many ethical issues in schools, all of these issues are teaching opportunities to improve ethics in students to create a more ethical society.

Examples of ethical dilemmas in Education

Schools face numerous ethical issues every day. While some might be more difficult to see, such as poor curriculum choices, others are more obvious, such as cheating. Sometimes, the sheer number of students and workload may make teachers less willing to risk their jobs to tackle ethical issues. 1.  Social And Ethnic Issues Social and ethnic differences are often ignored in public schools, possibly leaving some students behind.  2. Cheating And Assisted Cheating Cheating has always been an ethical issue plaguing schools. It’s often difficult to uncover in the best of circumstances, but large classroom sizes in public schools make this worse. In addition to standard cheating, assisted cheating is also becoming a major ethical problem. Teachers may “assist” students who are struggling in order to boost a classroom or school’s overall scores to increase funding. Performance isn’t the way to offer funding and it’s hurting the ethics of public schools. 3. Bullying Bullying affects all scho

How can teachers solve dilemmas

  All jobs require moral guidelines to adhere to their descriptions, resulting in ethical behaviours. In education, it is a very crucial element as it concerns working with children, who often has the urge to imitate others. In today's society, teaching is known as the most powerful, yet the most difficult job because of the many arising issues among students, parents as well as teachers. So, how can teachers overcome these issues? Here are some examples.  1. Develop a good communication channel  Educators should ensure that they serve as effective communicators since they have the role to pass on information, which should not result in messages being conveyed in a negative way to parents or create misconceptions amongst students.  During classroom discussions, teachers should allow the opportunity to students to share their thoughts in allowing them to feel comfortable and having the eagerness to come to school everyday. For example, instead of pinpointing on a student's mista